Bioventus Securities Litigation


1. To recover as a member of the Settlement Class based on your claims in the class action entitled Ciarciello v. Bioventus, Inc., et al., Case No. 1:23-cv-00032-CCE-JEP (M.D.N.C.) (the “Litigation”), you must complete and sign this Proof of Claim and Release form (the “Proof of Claim”). If you fail to submit a timely Proof of Claim, your claim may be rejected and you may not receive any recovery from the Net Settlement Fund created in connection with the proposed Settlement. Submission of this Proof of Claim, however, does not assure that you will share in the proceeds of the Settlement of the Action.

THIS PROOF OF CLAIM, ACCOMPANIED BY COPIES OF THE DOCUMENTS REQUESTED HEREIN, MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 2, 2024. Do not mail or deliver your Claim Form to the Court, the settling parties, or their counsel. Submit your Claim Form only to the Claims Administrator using this online submission or by mail. If you are NOT a Member of the Settlement Class, as defined in the Long-Form Notice of Pendency and Proposed Settlement of Class Action (“Long-Form Notice”), or if you have submitted a request for exclusion, DO NOT submit a Proof of Claim.

2. If you are a member of the Settlement Class and you do not timely request exclusion by October 18, 2024, you are bound by and subject to the terms of any judgment entered in the Action, including the releases provided therein, WHETHER OR NOT YOU SUBMIT A PROOF OF CLAIM OR RECEIVE A PAYMENT.

3. Submission of this Claim Form does not guarantee that you will share in the proceeds of the Settlement. The distribution of the Net Settlement Fund will be governed by the Plan of Allocation set forth in the Settlement Notice, if it is approved by the Court, or by such other plan of allocation approved by the Court.

4. You are eligible to participate in the distribution of the Net Settlement Fund only if you are a member of the Settlement Class and if you complete this form as specified below. If you fail to timely submit a properly completed Proof of Claim, your claim may be rejected and may be precluded from receiving any distribution.

5. It is important that you completely read and understand the Long-Form Notice including the Plan of Allocation of the Net Settlement Fund set forth in the Long-Form Notice. The Long-Form Notice describes the proposed Settlement, how Settlement Class Members are affected by the Settlement, and the manner in which the Net Settlement Fund will be distributed if the Settlement and Plan of Allocation are approved by the Court. The Long-Form Notice also contains the definitions of many of the capitalized terms used in this Proof of Claim. By signing and submitting this Proof of Claim, you will be certifying that you have read the Long-Form Notice, including the terms of the releases described in it and provided for by the Settlement.


1. If you purchased or acquired Bioventus Class A common stock and held the certificate(s) in your name, you are the beneficial owner as well as the record holder. If, however, the certificate(s) were registered in the name of a third party, such as a brokerage firm or other nominee, you are the beneficial owner and the third party is the record holder.

2. Use Part I of this form entitled “Claimant Identification” to identify each beneficial owner of Bioventus Class A common stock that forms the basis of this claim, as well as the owner of record if different. THIS CLAIM MUST BE FILED BY THE ACTUAL BENEFICIAL OWNERS OR THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF SUCH OWNERS.

3. All joint owners must sign this claim. Executors, administrators, guardians, conservators, legal representatives, and trustees must complete and sign this claim on behalf of persons represented by them and their authority must accompany this claim and their titles or capacities must be stated. The Social Security (or taxpayer identification) number and telephone number of the beneficial owner may be used in verifying the claim. Failure to provide the foregoing information could delay verification of your claim or result in rejection of the claim.

4. A claim should be submitted for each separate legal entity (e.g., a Proof of Claim of joint owners should not include separate transactions of just one of the joint owners, and an individual should not combine his or her IRA transactions with transactions made solely in the individual’s name). Conversely, a single Proof of Claim should be submitted on behalf of one legal entity including all transactions made by that entity on one Proof of Claim, no matter how many separate accounts that entity has (e.g., a corporation with multiple brokerage accounts should include all transactions made in all accounts on one Proof of Claim).


1. Use Part II of this form entitled “Schedules of Transactions in Bioventus Class A Common Stock” to supply all required details of your transaction(s) in Bioventus Class A common stock.

2. On the schedules, provide all of the requested information with respect to your holdings, purchases, and sales of Bioventus Class A common stock. Failure to report all such transactions may result in the rejection of your claim.

3. List each transaction separately and in chronological order, by trade date, beginning with the earliest. You must accurately provide the month, day, and year of each transaction you list.

4. The date of covering a “short sale” is deemed to be the date of purchase of Bioventus Class A common stock publicly traded common stock. The date of a “short sale” is deemed to be the date of sale of Bioventus Class A common stock. A purchase or sale of Bioventus Class A common stock shall be deemed to have occurred on the “contract” or “trade” date as opposed to the “settlement” or “payment” date; please provide any “contract” or “trade” dates in your claim.

5. For each transaction, you must provide, together with this Proof of Claim, copies of broker confirmations, stockbroker statements, or other documentation adequately evidencing your transactions in Bioventus Class A common stock. Failure to provide this documentation could delay verification of your claim or result in rejection of your claim.


6. The above requests are designed to provide the minimum amount of information necessary to process the most simple claims. The Claims Administrator may request additional information as required, and the failure to provide such information may delay processing of your claim or result in its rejection.